Kathrin Dimter

I created my work of art “waiting for diagnosis” as I waited for the result of the breast biopsy. The sorrow and fear are shown in the picture. I feared the consequences for me and my family. It felt as if a dark cloud was hanging over me and there was no way to escape her. I had to wait, and I tried to hope. I was surrounded by darkness and pain.

To express my feelings with brush and color helped me to focus on myself.

I used three colors and rough paper reflect this menacing situation. During the painting process I found love and compassion for myself, and I understood that fear was chasing me. People around me understood caught me and gave me support and comfort. Experiences and knowledge from others helped to get through the dark moments. We felt power in supporting each other.  

I am 52 years old and live with my family in the beautiful Hanseatic city of Stralsund on the Baltic Sea. I have worked as a nurse, coordinator and art therapist, including 20 years in hospice as a palliative care nurse. My artworks become more and more colorful over the years. My pictures are a declaration of love to life. I express my feelings, my longings and the beauty of creation. These three images are my darkest. They belong to me like my light. Darkness helps our inner light to shine again. Painting helps me to perceive myself lovingly on the path to healing.

Healing - Connection with heaven & earth

After Therapy
acrylic on rough watercolor paper with a rough brush
16 x 22 inches

Dancing with the dark

After the Diagnosis
acrylic on rough watercolor Paper with rough brush
16 x 22 inches

The threat

Waiting for Result

acrylic on rough watercolor paper with a rough brush straight from my heart
16 x 22 inches


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