Hailey Caine

Platinum Award - Art

As a sufferer of bipolar disorder, I often find myself wanting to end everything.

But if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: my illness blinds me to reality and clouds my judgment. Bipolar would like to steal me from the world. so in these dark times, I remember that it's not the world I want to leave... But rather my feelings. And there is a better way out of them... I may just be too blinded by the pain to see it.

I am a mental health advocate and artist who struggles with bipolar disorder, adhd, and OCD. I use art as a medium to express my experiences of these illnesses.

A Better Way Out

2D digital art

12 x 7 inches

Having ADHD is like living in a city filled with people who all want to talk to you at once... And then all ignore you at once. A city with no signs or traffic lights. A city where nothing is your size, and nothing you have access to is particularly useful... Except to hypnotize you into a state where no one can communicate with you.

Oh, and somehow, this city seems to work out just fine for all the residents in it besides


Are you even there?

What's wrong with you?


Are you even listening?!?!


Focus 1

2D digital art

27 x 25 inches

Drawn while in the peak of my last manic episode, this sparkling demonic angel with exaggerated expressions and features shows the level of energy and delusion that filled my mind. Beautiful, or disturbing? Depends what side of the lens you're looking through.

no website available


2D digital art

21 x 21 inches


Greg Connolly,


Harriet Lund