Wai Yi Chung

Wai Yi Chung is a multi-disciplinary visual artist from Hong Kong, who is currently studying for an MA in Fine Art at the University for the Creative Arts in the UK. Her works explore her existence through personal history and the relation to the history of her hometown, Hong Kong.

She invented her visual language, called the "entanglement", which mainly comprises intricate labyrinthine 2D/3D line drawings on different kinds of surfaces, physically and virtually, as an analogy to her life story and philosophical view of life and being.

Wai Yi Chung was born and raised in Hong Kong. Her pursuit of an MA in Fine Art this year has been a lost-and-found journey

In addition to the traumas from the 2019 Hong Kong anti-government protests, which almost escalated into a mini civil war, and losing it, witnessing and experiencing Hong Kong becoming an authoritarian/police/fail state, she also suffered from traumas of losing friends and her memories, due to her personality, being an extra sensitive gifted child and sexuality.

All of these had caused her to suffer from unstable emotions so she tried seeking help from NHS psychiatrists service. However, after a series of memory searches and self-discovery through art, she experienced something like pulling herself out from hell, which is extremely painful but totally worth it.

Doctor: “Sorry, we tried everything, art doesn’t lie…

Acrylic and pigment ink on scrap MDF board.

3 x 4 inches




